Tiger Taekwondo's class structure is modeled on the Long Term Athletic Development Program developed by the Canadian Sport Centre.
View the Long-Term Athlete Development Information for Parents
LTAD focuses on athlete development with special reference to growth, maturation and development, trainability and sport system alignment and integration. We have carefully integrated this system with traditional Taekwondo training.
Using this approach, Tiger Taekwondo is able to provide unparalleled Taekwondo training for each developmental stage. Beginning students are welcome to start at any age!
Classes are specific to age groups, then further broken down into belt levels within the class. Multiple instructors are available to provide an unprecedented level of personal instruction so each student's training is based on their individual developmental abilities.
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Proud Member of:

Tiger Taekwondo's members are required to register for membership
with the Alberta Taekwondo Association and Taekwondo Canada.

1966 - Present
Grandmaster Su Hwan Chung, a Korean native and 8th Dan
Black Belt, is the Head Instructor at Tiger Taekwondo.
He is aware not only of the techniques of Taekwondo, but
also the martial arts philosophy that embodies courtesy,
patience and respect.read more